
AppShopper可追蹤最新AppStore上的軟體訊息,不論是付費或是免費的App。除了可即時獲得最新的軟體或遊戲以外,還可設定自己的願望清單APP,若是有最新軟體更新,它可會立即以推 ...,評分3.6(42)·免費·iOSAppShopperSocialletsyoushareyourappinterestswithyourfriendsandseewhatappsyourfriendsareinterestedin.,Saygood-byetopaperworkandhellotoyournewhome!KBHSDigitalstreamlineshomefinancingandputsthepowerrightinyourh...

AppShopper 即時軟體訊息及價格追蹤

AppShopper可追蹤最新AppStore上的軟體訊息,不論是付費或是免費的App。除了可即時獲得最新的軟體或遊戲以外,還可設定自己的願望清單APP,若是有最新軟體更新,它可會立即以推 ...

AppShopper Social on the App Store

評分 3.6 (42) · 免費 · iOS AppShopper Social lets you share your app interests with your friends and see what apps your friends are interested in.

Say good-bye to paperwork and hello to your new home! KBHS Digital streamlines home financing and puts the power right in your hands. Whether you're a first- ...

All Version Updates for iPhone for iOS

Create, edit and get insights from ads across the entire Facebook family of apps, including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp and more. ○View detailed ...

帮你坚持正版的必备工具:AppShopper Social

AppShopper 是iOS 上老牌的App 监控应用,可查看最新的、限免的应用,也可将心仪的App添加进心愿单,并及时接收该App更新或价格变动的推送通知。


這軟體被下架,還真是可惜了。 我原始裝在IPAD MINI上面,但是現在我的IPAD4卻不能下載安裝,真是可惜了。 appetent wrote:

AppShopper Social 回歸下載, iPhone iPad 限免App 推薦

相信使用iPhone、 iPad 有段時間的用戶都裝過「 AppShopper 」,它的功能是每天即時更新各種特價、限免以及優質Apps 資訊,並且提供用戶追蹤自己感 ...

Since Apple removed the Wishlist in iOS 11, this is another ...

Since Apple removed the Wishlist in iOS 11, this is another great way to save apps for later. You can store them inside a single note if you ...

iPhoneiPad 免費應用程式(app)推薦、下載網站,讓你免費APP 載不完

AppShopper 除了提供免費app 的資訊外,還可以設定要追蹤價格的app,如果看到喜歡的app 但是卻太貴沒辦法下手的話,可以把app 加入禮物清單(Wishlist),當app ...


AppShopper 是一個App 的情報站,裡面提供了App 推出、更新及特價的記錄;透過這個網站,可以掌握App Store 數十萬種軟體的最新資訊。

限時免費 GClean 2024 反 Google 隱私追蹤工具

限時免費 GClean 2024 反 Google 隱私追蹤工具
